Nanocellulose (NC) is a nano-scale fiber made from physical, chemical or biological treatment of natural plant cellulose. It has a unique nanostructure (fiber size is usually between 1-100 nanometers), a high specific surface area (about 300-1000 m²/g), excellent mechanical properties (tensile strength can reach 200-300 MPa), and has a high specific surface area (about 300-1000 m²/g), excellent mechanical properties (tensile strength can reach 200-300 MPa), and has Good biodegradability and environmental friendliness. Nanocellulose is widely used in composite materials, coatings, electronic equipment, medicine, food packaging and other fields, and is one of the hot topics in the field of materials science. The main types of nanocellulose: Nanocellulose whiskers (CNC): highly crystalline nanocellulose, with crystalline rod-like or fibrous structures. Nanocellulose fiber (CNF): Long-chain, non-crystalline fiber structure, with good water solubility and flexibility. Here are some common nanofibers
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