ice cream
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ice cream

Adding nanocellulose to ice cream can improve the taste of ice cream and extend the freezing and thawing time. Currently, microcrystalline cellulose (powder) is added to ice cream on the market.Compared with microcrystalline cellulose, nanocellulose has the advantages of less addition amount (the addition amount is very different, the effect of 5% TOCNF of the same mass is better than that of microcrystalline cellulose) and longer freeze-thaw time (6~7 minutes). .

The application of nanocellulose in ice cream is mainly reflected in improving the physical properties of ice cream and extending its shelf life.Specifically, here are some of the main applications of nanocellulose in ice cream:

1. **Enhanced Stability**: Nanocellulose has a high viscosity and can be used as a stabilizer to prevent phase separation or crystallization of ice cream during storage and transportation, thereby maintaining the delicate taste of ice cream.

2. **Improve texture**: Nanocellulose can increase the viscosity and texture of ice cream, making it smoother and more delicate, and improving the density in the mouth.

3. **Fat Reduction Substitution**: Nanocellulose can partially replace the fat in ice cream to make low-fat ice cream.Not only does this reduce calorie intake, it also maintains or even improves the creaminess of the ice cream.

4. **Prevent freezing**: During the freezing process of ice cream, nanocellulose can disperse ice crystals and inhibit the formation of large ice crystals, thereby maintaining the softness and palatability of ice cream and reducing the gritty feel.

By adding a small amount of TEMPO-modified nanocellulose, ice cream manufacturers can significantly improve the overall quality of the product and the consumer's taste experience.

Specific plan: XXX

Nanjing Tianlu Nano Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. It was established in May 2024 and specializes in the production, research and development and sales of emerging materials nanocellulose.

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